Somali Norwegian Strategic Partners

Vi driver kommunikasjon og påvirkningsarbeid overfor beslutningstakere,opinionen og private som engasjerer seg for en fredelig utvikling i Somalia.

About Us

Somali Norwegian Strategic Partners(SNSP) is an independent non profit organization that promotes knowledge about Somalia, create a good relations and mutual partnership between Norway and Somalia. We are also building an alliances between Somali and Norwegian civil society, humanitarian and commercial organizations.


Our work includes creating platform for dialogue, collaborations, policy development and knowledge about Somalia. We do this by arranging debates, seminars and other meeting activities. We conduct press work, articles production and social media promotions. In this way we focus on areas where Norwegian efforts can play a key role in the development of Somalia.

Contact Us

Here you can find information about how to contact us. Please note that some information is in Norwegian or Somali only.


Recent News​


Somali Norwegian Strategic Partners( SNSP) is arranging a seminar about the possibilities and potentials for direct foreign business investment in Somalia. We invite you to a seminar where we can learn about investment opportunities in Somalia and discuss the opportunities, challenges and experiences associated with making investments in in the…

Klimaendringer i Somalia

Vi beskriver tre utfordringer Somalia står overfor i møte med klimaendringer: 1) Tørket: Land i Afrika er særlig utsatt for klimaendringer. De rammes hyppigst av flom, tørke, hetebølger og annet ekstremvær. I Somalia kommer det alvorlige tørkeperioder som truer livet til millioner av mennesker. Jordbruk og husdyrhold er viktige motor for…

Somalisk diaspora i Norge

Somali Norwegian Strategic Partners (SNSP) har som formål å styrke forbindelsene mellom Norge og Somalia. Et av virkemidlene for å gjøre det, er å arrangere seminarer, debattmøter og skape rom for dialog og erfaringsutveksling mellom det norsk-somaliske miljøet som holder til her, og norske myndigheter som har et stort engasjement…

SNSP Advisory board

Mohamed Osman Jawari

Former Speaker of the Federal Parliament of Somalia.

Safia Abdi Haase

Winner of The Royal Norwegian Order of Saint Olav

Hassan Ali Khaire

Former Prime Minister of Somalia.

Eva-Kristin Varheim

Frm Senior legal advisor for the Directorate of Fisheries in Norway, with emphasis on resource control and management of wild living marine resources

Abdirahman M. Abdullahi

the Governor of the Central Bank of Somalia (CBS).

Dr. Abdi Ali

Former State Minister the interior and National Security, member of the Federal of Somalia.