Somali Norwegian Strategic Partners( SNSP) in collaboration with the Fellesrådet for Afrika – Norwegian Council for Africa and United Nations Student Association Osloo, recently hosted an insightful academic event titled “ The Education Sector in Post-conflict Somalia: What are the Biggest Challenges in Rebuilding the Education System in a Context Shaped by Years of Conflict”.
The evening began with an enlightening presentation by H.E. Farah Sheikh Abdulkadir, Minister of Education, Culture, and Higher Education for the Federal Government of Somalia. Minister Farah discussed the myriad challenges and opportunities facing Somalia’s education system over the past three decades. This was followed by an engaging panel discussion that included the Minister, Svein Stølen, Rector at the Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) ; Thomas Poulsen, Chief of the Education and Research Department at Norad – (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation); and Selma Bratberg, leader of SAIH- Studentenes og Akademikernes Internasjonale Hjelpefond.
Rector Svein Stølen also presented the Global University Academy (GUA), an initiative designed to provide refugees and internally displaced persons with access to higher education while they are in their host countries.
As a leading figure in the Somali education sector for over 30 years, Minister Farah Sheikh Abdulqadir offered invaluable insights into the complexities faced by Somalia’s education system, shaped by decades of civil conflict. He explained how the education sector has influenced the country’s political, social, and economic landscape. Furthermore, he elaborated on Somalia’s plans to collaborate with key partners, including the diaspora with Somali backgrounds, to reform, restructure, and enhance the education system. This initiative aims to secure the nation’s economic development as well as social and political stability.
SNSP extends its heartfelt appreciation to Minister Farah Sheikh Abdulqadir for his significant contributions. We also would like to thank the other panelists: Svein Stølen for his valuable insights; Thomas Poulsen for his expertise in education and research; and Selma Bratberg for her commitment to international academic assistance.
We are also grateful to the Universitetet i Oslo (UiO) for graciously hosting this vital event.